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Burtonsville Island Natural Area

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ACCESS UPDATE: I have been told that the access point(s?) go through private land. Please obey all signage when accessing this beautiful area!

This natural area is not easy to find if you don't know where you're going. First of all, find Burtonsville. That shouldn't be too hard - it's straight south of Wabamun. Right before Burtonsville (which isn't really a town or village - more an area) you go down a hill. The road curves west, but instead of going around the curve, go straight south down a rough dirt track for about half a km. It ends in a dead end. Just park at the end and walk a bit east so you can walk across the channel on (or below) a beaverdam. (I went in fall, and it might be harder to get across in spring) Then you're in the natural area.

The area has some trails marked by neon tape, but they're not wide or well travelled, and there are no maps. It's just a nice place to wander around if you're comfortable with routefinding or if you have a gps. It would be pretty hard to get lost, as you're bounded by the river on all sides.

There are a few camping spots on the island.

Burtonsville Island

added by Mark
Much more info and maps and photos for Burtonsville Island can be found at:


The island is accessible both as noted above from the end of Rnge. Rd. 43, and also from Rnge Rd. 45 over two miles (3.6 km) further west.

If you have specific questions about the island or natural area please contact me: