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Cardinal Divide Ridge

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The Cardinal Divide Pass is one of the more beautiful mountain passes in the Rockies. As you drive up to the pass, you emerge into a wide open alpine meadow (with still a few small trees around the parking area).

From the parking area you can hike either direction, to the north-east up to the ridge or the south-west into the mountains. The ridge is a short climb away, but once you get up on the ridge, it is easy walking with expansive views.

To get here, take highway 40 south from just west of Hinton, AB. Drive south until you come to an intersection. Turn west into Cadomin. Drive through Cadomin and keep going. The road gets a little rough here as it continues along beside a mine road. Keep going until you get to the pass, which should be 30-60 minutes, depending on how hard you want to be on your vehicle's suspension.