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Botanical Beach and Botany Bay

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This is the perfect place to see urchins, anemones, barnacles, starfish and lots of other fascinating creatures. It is also interesting for the geology - different kinds of rocks eroding at different rates. There is a lot of sandstone with eroded pockets, a lot of black basalt with veins of quartz running through it, It turns out almost everything here is pretty interesting.

Botanical Beach and Botany Bay are just around the point from each other. They are connected by a short trail through the forest. If you are there at low tide, you can also walk around the point to get from one to the other, but don't get caught out there when the tide is coming in. There is a trail down to either one from the same parking lot. It just takes ten or fifteen minutes to walk down to the ocean from the parking lot.

It is definitely best to go here during low tide. Check your tide tables for the best times.