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Bayocean Peninsula

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Bayocean Peninsula County Park is a pleasant, easy place to walk or bike. On one side of the peninsula you have a road which hugs the bay, and on the other side you have the beach, with the endless pounding of the pacific ocean. The parking area is surrounded by thick scrub, but further down the road are patches of thick forest.

There are horse tours here as well.

To get here, take Bayocean Road from Tillamook. There is a rough dirt road (unmarked I believe) that turns off onto the peninsula. After a short drive, you will arrive in a parking area with a gate barring access to the rest of the road. It is a bit of a walk from here out to the most interesting part.

A trail cuts across from the road to the beach up by the forested hill. There may be other trails as well - unmarked but well travelled.