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Miner's Path

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McGilluvray Creek is a little creek that runs through Coleman and joins the Crowsnest River. On the west side of Coleman there is a little park on the north side of the highway called Flummerfelt Park. From this park, you can take a pleasant 15 minute walk, called the Miner's Path, to McGilluvray Creek Falls, a little 12 foot waterfall which is beautiful. This hike is pretty popular with locals, so you're likely to meet people going for a stroll here. This walk is highly recommended for whenever you have a little time free and would like a relaxing walk, mostly in the shade.


About half way through Coleman, on the north side of the highway is Flummerfelt Park. Turn north on 76 St, and right again to get into the park. The trail starts at the back of the park, farthest from the highway. You can park pretty much anywhere though, as it's a small park.