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Opal Natural Area

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The Opal Natural Area is a little hard to find, but is probably pretty quiet because of this. It looks like it used to be used by quads, but is now mostly used by horses and hikers.

Regardless, it is nice country with sandy hills, lots of pines and poplar, and plenty of open areas where the trees are spread pretty thin.

There was recently a forest fire here, so many of the trees are burned, although there are areas that are unaffected.

To get here from highway 28 (north, and a little east of Edmonton) turn north on RR 224, and then west on TWP road 580. This road will curve south, but DON'T TAKE the curve - instead keep going west. After a km or so, it will turn north. After the turn, there are a bunch of trails leading off to the west. You can hike on any of these. There is a small parking area at the north end of the road, close to a home, where you will likely be greeted by a couple of dogs. They bark, but seem friendly.