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Ogre Canyon

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Ogre Canyon is a pretty interesting spot. It is popular among locals and ice climbers in winter. It is a deep gorge worn in limestone rock. A small stream runs through it with a few waterfalls, but you don't get a good view of any of the falls except the smallest from inside the canyon.

You can also hike up the ridge to the top of the canyon where you can see some sink holes and have a better view of the lake. The path for this is south of the canyon.

The road to get here is good up until the town of Brule. After that it gets bad. Four wheel drive is recommended. We did it in our little Ford Escort wagon, but we didn't get all the way. There was a mud hole that we just couldn't get through, although we did drive through a lot of mud, over a lot of rocks, and over lots of sticks that were clattering around in the underside of our car. Along the way you have to open and close 3 gates as you are driving through private land to get there. It would be a lovely bikeride though.