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Saskatchewan Glacier

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This is a long hike over loose rock with not much of a trail. It's easy to see where to go, but not easy walking. It is, however, interesting glacier-shaped terrain. Seeing a glacier up close is a great experience, but it should be noted that glaciers are very dangerous and extreme caution should be taken.

There is some quicksand near the glacier, so hiking poles are useful to test the ground in front of you before you step.

To get here, park at the old road at the bottom of the big bend in the Icefields Parkway. It is on the south side of the highway. There is room for a few cars by the bridge (which is blocked off). Walk across the bridge, along the edge of the forest until just a bit before where the river emerges from the forest. Turn left (south) and follow the old road through the forest up the hill. Follow it down to the where the river enters the canyon from the glacier plain.

Here you choose which side of the river you go up. If you go up on the south side you will not be able to get to the glacier, but it is much nicer walking. If you want to get to the glacier, cross the canyon on a log bridge (not an official bridge, just some logs laid across). Then you walk up the glacial plain till you get to the glacier.