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If you start at the southern edge of the park (off Route 112), you can take the Orford leg of the Sentiers de l'Estrie, a 150 km trail that also traverses Mont Sutton and Reserve Naturelle des Montagnes Vertes. Les Sentiers hikers are expected to have purchased a membership. The trail climbs beside a gurgling brook with a few small cataracts. Lovers of the wild wilderness may be disappointed in the townships. The Orford summit is dominated by a massive rotor for the ski lift, patrouilleur huts, and a communications tower plastered with receiving dishes. To be granted an unobstructed view, you're obliged to take a boardwalk to one of several preserved-wood viewing platforms. For a more satisfying townships experience, rather go apple-picking at the height of the autumn colours, visit a monastery, or visit a cabane a sucre in the early spring.