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Cave and Basin

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I walked around this area in winter when there was construction on the building. This had upsides and downsides. I was the only person there, and could enjoy the frosty trees and steaming creeks all by myself. But some of the area was roped off and the building was closed, so I never saw the cave.

The area is very interesting, I imagine especially in winter. The little streams never freeze up and produce a lot of steam that frosts up the trees all around. Also, in -30 weather, there are still ducks on the ponds - a very strange sight.

There is a short series of boardwalks which wind through the pools and streams, and there is also the longer Marsh Trail that goes down by the Bow River.

The area is very developed with a big tourist center being constructed.

To get here go into the town of Banff, cross the Bow river at the end of Banff Ave, turn right, and go right to the end.

You can also go further and follow a large path (groomed for skis in winter, wide enough for lots of people and bikes in summer) to Sundance Canyon, which didn't look especially impressive to me, but might be better if you go further up the canyon.