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Skookumchuck Narrows Provincial Park

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Skookumchuck Narrows is a fascinating place. The tides create a large set of rapids that change direction depending if the tide is coming in or going out. Really experienced kayakers play in these rapids, but they're not well suited to beginners.

The trail that leads to the rapids is wide and well traveled. It leads you through an old mossy forest of mostly spruce, fir, and cedar. There are a few interpretive signs along the way.

The first viewing area is fenced off because of a cliff edge. The further viewing area is much more interesting. During low tide you can venture out onto the rocks to check out the marine life. Even during high tide there are some rocks to hang out on.

If you want to time your visit to see the best rapids, there is a chart on the BC Parks website (http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/parkpgs/skook_narrows/), and posted on a sign on the road leading up to the trail. If you go randomly the chance that you'll see rapids is fairly low.