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Bertha Falls

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The hike to Bertha Falls is pretty short, and you get some nice views of Loon Lake and the prairies beyond. You can also see down Loon Lake to the south and into the States. We went really early in the season, so there was a little snow on the trail still, but it's a good trail, and easily passable. The falls themsleves are a decent destination, but not as spectacular Cameron Falls, which are in town near the start of the hike. You can keep going up the trail to Bertha Lake, which sounds like it would be a good picnic spot (for packing in a lunch of course - it's not accessible by road). We saw a few deer on the hike, but if you're in Waterton Lakes you've probably already seen hundreds of deer in town. There's something different about seeing them in a more natural surrounding than someone's lawn though.