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Moraine Lake

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Moraine Lake is a beautiful little lake south of Lake Louise. There are a lot of people here, as there is a lodge, gift shop, etc. We rented a canoe for $35 for an hour (and a bit, they were nice about it). It was fun to paddle around the lake. You can get all the way around in an hour without too much trouble. We were with a group, and just had a couple hours in the middle of the day. Probably morning light would be best here for photos.

The hike around the lake looks pretty nice. On the north side of the lake, the walk is easy and I saw people in suits and dresses walking it (yeah, weird). You might be able to get all the way around, if you're ok with a bit of scrambling and getting across a rocky but good sized stream. But going around the south side is the only way you will get any solitude, unless you have or rent a boat.

The west end of the lake has spectacular peaks surrounding it. The east end looks out into the Bow River valley.