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Persimmon Ridge

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This is an unnamed ridge in the Persimmon Range in Willmore Wilderness Area. The hike starts from Eagle's Nest Pass which takes roughly a day to hike in to. From Eagle's Nest Pass campgrounds, hike up the trail through the pass. After you get through the pass, take a narrow horse track to the left, which winds through the trees for a while. The trees start to thin out pretty quickly, and you get a good view of Cathedral Peak from the other side. Continue up the valley, on the east side of a little stream. At the first grassy slope on the west side, cross the stream and climb the slope up to the first saddle. Once you are up there, walk either way along the ridge as far as you want. It stretches quite a long way to the south, into Jasper National Park. At whatever point you want to get down off the ridge ( you can get down at most points ) go back down into the same valley you came in on, and follow the valley back to Eagle's Nest Pass.