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Lower Cameron Falls

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The trail to this 17m waterfall starts in Hidden Lake Territorial Park, about a 40 minute drive east of Yellowknife on the Ingraham Trail. A short hike (about 20 minutes) takes you from the parking lot to a rocky promontory overlooking the falls. The Cameron River descends not only in the main cataract, but also in a parallel set of rivulets that splash amongst the boulders and birches on the near side of the river. Some of these are small enough to hop over. Above the falls, a picturesque, arched footbridge takes you to the other side and provides access to the rest of the park. There were very few biting insects during my first visit on June 1st, but a month later they were thick. Early June seems to be spawning time for the local fish. In a patch of thick foam beneath the falls we noticed dorsal fins emerging from time to time; as it turned out, they belonged to several large northern pike.