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Corbens Bay and Little Bay

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St. Lucy is the northern-most parish in Barbados. It is covered by farms with a few small towns scattered throughout. There are lots of cows, goats, and fields full of grass, sugarcane, and vegetables.

Corbens Bay is on the north-east tip and seems too dry and rocky for vegetables or sugarcane. So there are lots of goats and cows here grazing. As you get close to the water, the land gets rockier, and there is not even any grazing. There are cliffs where the ocean meets the land, and huge waves battering them. There are a few small beaches in a few of the coves, but nothing like further south.

LIttle Bay has some impressive blow holes, where the water shoots up in the air when the waves hit. It also has a small beach and a rock arch protruding out into the ocean.

There are no restaurants around here that I'm aware of. Don't expect any tourist hotspots or amenities of any kind. Just rugged, beautiful, arid landscape ... with a few goats and cows.