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Rice River

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The Rice river is one of the main channels draining the Pasquia Hills in eastern Saskatchewan. While not the most remote destination in the province, there's no shortage of authentic wilderness in the area. Besides very occasional hikers, the only people likely to venture into the hills by this route would be gold prospectors or hunters. More than likely, you wouldn't meet anyone at all during a trek up the river. Moose and deer are common, and wolf tracks are usually found on the sandbars that line the banks. The Pasquia Hills region includes Wildcat Hill provincial wilderness park, so named because of the cougar sightings in the area. Hazards include fast water, bears, mosquitoes from June through August, hunters in spring and fall (check season dates and wear something orange) and, of course, the Sasquatches. The topography is folded and fascinating; the hills are glacial leftovers and the variety of rocks found in the streambed will captivate geology enthusiasts.