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Crowsnest Pass

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The Crowsnest Pass region of the rockies is an interesting area. If you've been to Banff or Jasper, and you're expecting more of the same, you're in for a surprise. While there are spectacular mountains (Crowsnest Mountain for example), you are not surrounded by them, like in the parks. The Flathead Range (which includes Andy Good Peak, Mt. McLaren, and Mt. Parish) is rocky and spectacular, but most of the area is full of smaller mountains and large valleys. However, it certainly is not boring. There's the Frank Slide, where half of Turtle Mountain split off and covered the town of Frank. There are old coal mines everywhere, and ruins of old townsites, like Lille. The Flathead Range is apparently one of the best places for caving in the Rockies too. I have never done any caving yet, but seeing so many caves while hiking is tempting me.

The main highway through the pass is dotted with lots of little towns and tourist stops. This area caters to dirtbikes and atvs at least as much as hikers and campers - it is not a park.