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Roche Miette

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Roche Miette is an easily recognizable mountain from the Yellowhead highway into Jasper. There is a vertical cliff facing the highway that makes the mountain look almost insurmountable, but it's actually not too hard to get up, if you're comfortable with a bit of scrambling. Make sure you bring water on this hike, as there's not much (if any) on the way up.

To get here, park at the first gate you see on the south side of highway 16 west of Pocahontas. There is a little bit of room for a few cars here, but make sure you don't block access to the gate.

After walking around the gate, walk west for a few steps, and then follow the cutline until you see a trail branch off that looks like it's heading up the eastern ridge. If you can't find the trail at first, it's easy to just follow the ridge up (although it requires a bit of bushwhacking). This is what we ended up doing on the way up, and we found the trail without too much trouble a little later.

The eastern ridge is a long steady climb, with trees slowly thinning out. Eventually you get to a nice meadow, not too far from the saddle, which is a great place for a little break. Once you get to the saddle, it's just a scramble to the top.

The scramble is well marked with neon tape. There are a lot of loose rocks and scree here, so watch out for falling rocks from above, especially if there are climbers above you. That said, we didn't have any problems with rocks falling on us.

Once you get to the top, it is a large rolling area, great for strolling around. Great views in every direction. We saw lots of pikas and a few marmots up here. We also got caught in a bit of a thunderstorm, but there are lots of large rocks for shelter fairly close.